CBN Crystal Resistant Distillate - High Minors

CBN Crystal Resistant Distillate – High Minors is predominately CBN in overall potency with up to 25% additional targeted cannabinoids such as CBD, CBG, and CBT, all highly desirable. Cannabinol Crystal Resistant Distillate maintains viscosity for up to a year, for prolonged fluidity and stability.

As the pioneer of non-crystallizing CBN Distillate, Red Mesa is helping brands revolutionize product innovation and transform brand product portfolios. Our CBN Oil CRD is readily incorporated into formulations and ideal for those requiring ease of mixing, extended fluidity and enhanced product stability and integrity.

CBN Products Applications:

  • Vapes
  • Topicals
  • Skincare and Cosmetics
  • Soft Gels
  • Edibles
  • Tinctures, etc.


Need a larger quantity? Please contact us for custom wholesale quotes to buy larger bulk quantities or request current batch CoAs. You can also reach us via phone or email: 435.677.6363

CBN Crystal Resistant Distillate - High Minors is poured from a lab beaker demonstrating its low viscosity through out it year long shelf life. CBN CRD is a amber CBN Oil ideal for vapes, gummies, tinctures and more.
CBN Distillate Crystal Resistant is high in CBN and at least 25% in minors. CBN Distillate is a translucent amber color and maintains flowability for one year.
Crystal Resistant CBN Distillate is a low viscosity CBN oil that resists crystallization for up to one year, perfect for vape pens, tinctures, soft gels topicals and more.
Crystal Resistant CBN Distillate with 25% minors or more is an non-crystallizing amber viscous oil that remains fluid and stable throughout its year long shelf life. The 25% high minor profile boosts the effectiveness of CBN and provides additional unique properties from each of the other minors such as CBD, CBG and CBT.
CBN Crystal Resistant Distillate Bulk is available at wholesale and is packaged starting at 25g, 50g, 100g, 200 g, 500g, 1 kg, 5 kg 10 kgs. CBN Crystal Resistant Distillate is high in minors with 25% or more in minor cannabinoids and resists crystallization making it easy to pour and mix into formulations as needed directly from the packaging container.
CBN CRD anti-crystallization Crystal Resistant Distillate High Minors Red Mesa
Crystal Resistant Distillate CBN with High Minors Red Mesa Scieince and Refining
CBN Crystal Resitant Distillate anti-crystallization Red Mesa Science and Refining
CBN Crystal Resistant Distillate - High Minors Red Mesa Scieince and Refining sm
CBN Crystal Resistant Distillate - High in Minors and Non Crystallizing CBN for vapes
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Red Mesa Science & Refining's Quality Badge represents the use of an ISO 17025 accredited third party lab COAs to validate Red Mesa's CBD Isolate, CBD Distillate, CBG Isolate and CBG Distillate high quality and trustworthiness.

Delivering What We Promise

Full panel ISO 17025 Accredited Third-Party Lab COAs for added confidence.

  • ≥ 35% Pure CBN Guaranteed
  • ≥ 25% Minors (CBD, CBG, CBT and others)
  • ≤ 0.3% THC
  • Made in the USA – American Grown and Processed Industrial Hemp
  • Fragrance – Mild Citrus and/or Pine-like
  • Taste – Mild Terpene taste
  • Color – Amber
The Made in the USA badge communicates that all of Red Mesa Science and Refining CBD Isolates and Distillates, CBG Iso;atesa nd Distillates, CBN Isolates and Distillates are made in the USA
THe FDA Registered Food Facility badge communicates that Red Mesa Science & Refining is an FDA Registered Food Facility
cGMP Badge demonstrates that Red Mesa Science & Refining is following current good manufacturing practices to provide high quality products with complete transparency
ISO 17025 badge demonstrates that Red Mesa Science and Refining uses an ISO 17025 accredited third party lab for COAs to communicate trust in the quality and potency of our cannabinoids.
ISO 9001:2015 certification badge demonstrates Red Mesa Science & Refining operates to the highest quality standards and is continuously improving upon procedures and methods for increased customer satisfaction.
Badge for GMP Compliant Human Food to demonstrate Red mesa Science & Refining adheres to 21 CFR 117 regulations
The GMP Compliant 21 CFR 111 badge represents Compliant Dietary Supplement processes and demonstrates Red Mesa Science & Refining adheres to 21 CFR 111 regulations
100% guarantee of satisfactions badge communicates our guarantee to customers who purchase our CBD, CBG, CBN cannabinoid raw ingredients.
The Non-GMO badge demonstrate that Red Mesa Science & Refining cbd, cbg, cbn cannabinoid raw ingredients are non-gmo
Vegan badge demostrates that Red Mesa Science & Refining's cbd, cbg, cbn cannabinoid raw ingredients are vegan.

It’s About Trust

Our ISO 17025 accredited third-party lab tests every batch for cannabinoid profile, residual solvents, pesticides, heavy metals, microbial counts and mycotoxins per R68-37 assuring our products meet our quality standards as well as current federal and state regulations (read more).

The Promises We Speak Of Are The Results We Deliver.

The downloadable CBN Crystal Resistant Distillate Product Specifications Sheet provides guaranteed minimum cannabinoid concentration levels and product characteristics you can count on with each order placed.

For your convenience, we have provided a CBN Crystal Resistant Distillate Sell Sheet available for download to keep for yourself or share with others. 

Thoughtful Packaging Secures Contents and Promotes Longevity

Our CBN Crystal Resistant Distillate is packaged in HDPE container to preserve freshness and shelf life by reducing light exposure and to help maintain temperature control. The screw-top lid keeps out excess oxygen and other potential contaminants as well as being tamper resistant. Our packaging comes with a label listing the Lot ID number, manufactured date and a QR code to access ISO 17025 accredited third-party CoA reports quickly.

Crystal Resistant CBN - The Catalyst to Boosting CBN Product Portfolios

Given CBN’s rising demand, brands are seeking differentiation in the marketplace. CBN Crystal Resistant Distillate – High Minors is the innovative catalyst for pioneering evolutionary new products. CBN CRD, a CBN oil that is a non-crystallizing synergistic high potency blend, is primarily isolated CBN and high concentrations of other cannabinoids.

Recognizing crystallization concerns and the effect it may have on the integrity of some types of products and their storage, Red Mesa has developed a proprietary non-crystallizing CBN refinement method. Our process retains the ideal blend of CBN with higher concentrations of other cannabinoids without the use of cutting agents or diluents for a highly fluid raw material. After having stripped away undesirable compounds, the remaining highly refined broad spectrum of cannabinoids supports the entourage effect theory, helping elevate product formulations’ effectiveness.

Learn More About CBN Crystal Resistant Distillate - High Minors Potential Benefits

As the health and wellness industry continues to pursue natural alternatives, CBN is quickly gaining traction as a coveted cannabinoid with unique properties. While research is still in its infancy compared to CBD and THC, CBN has exhibited promising potential in enhancing relaxation and sleep quality (see study), anti-inflammation support (see study), neuroprotective effects against oxytosis/ferroptosis (see study), among other potential benefits.

CBN Crystal Resistant Distillate FAQS:

Cannabinol, also known as CBN, is one of many cannabinoids found in the hemp plant. While less well-known than its counterparts, CBD and THC, CBN has garnered attention for its unique properties.

Often considered a rare minor cannabinoid, CBN is found naturally in extremely low concentrations arising from the degradation or aging of THC, making it difficult to extract in bulk. However, innovative methods developed by our scientific and engineering team have resulted in the deployment of our proprietary bulk CBN refinement method without relying on the degradation of THC to fulfill the rising demand for CBN raw ingredients.

Thus far, CBN exhibits a range of potential therapeutic benefits, making it an exciting research and product development subject aimed at sleep quality, relaxation, anti-inflammatory support and relief from chronic pain.

CBN is not the same as THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) but rather a byproduct from the oxidation of THC, resulting in a distinct cannabinoid of its own with unique properties and effects.

CBN can be derived from either hemp or marijuana and as such, the associated levels of THC can differ. Legally, CBN derived from industrial hemp must remain at or below the legal 0.3% THC, whereas marijuana-derived CBN can contain higher levels of THC, creating a more intoxicating compound. 

Innovative scientific refinement methods have enabled the large-scale production of CBN Crystal Resistant Distillate, producing a high-quality, compliant CBN oil (≤ 0.3% THC) without relying on the degradation of THC. 

CBN is gaining recognition for its potential therapeutic properties, particularly in the areas of sleep aid and relaxation. Early research suggests that CBN may promote restful sleep and relaxing properties to help users unwind and de-stress. CBN is becoming a key player in formulating products that cater to these needs as the wellness industry expands.

The unique blend of CBN Crystal Resistant Distillate is revolutionary to the market, allowing brands to enrich product portfolios to lead the market. With a high concentration of CBN and other minor cannabinoids like CBD, CBG, CBT etc., comes a more extraordinary ability to capitalize upon the potential therapeutic benefits of the entourage effect. 

CBN CRD’s purity and enhanced stability ensures consistent results and is ideal for CBN product formulations requiring extended fluidity, such as vape cartridges, tinctures, topicals etc. 

According to the various jurisdictions and specific laws governing cannabis, the legality of CBN can vary. CBN is derived from Cannabis Sativa L, and depending on whether it is hemp-derived or marijuana-derived, the associated level of THC can differ. Marijuana-derived CBN can be a higher level of THC and can be held to stricter regulations as compared to hemp-derived CBN which must remain within the legal definition of industrial hemp at ≤ 0.3% THC. To ensure legal compliance, it is best to consult with local government officials or legal professionals familiar with local laws.

Yes, the third-party lab we send our batch-specific CBN Crystal Resistant Distillate – High Minor samples to has been inspected and demonstrated operational competency with the ability to generate valid testing results to earn the ISO 17025 accreditation. This level of accreditation is fundamental to providing customer confidence in the quality of Red Mesa’s products. (read more) 

Fundamental to our being ISO 9001:2015 certified is the requirement of a robust Quality Management System (QMS). Red Mesa Science & Refining’s QMS mandates a strong customer focus and serves as our daily guide to prioritize consistently delivering flawless products to our customers to help them avoid supply chain disruptions.

Absolutely. Our team of scientists and chemists with extensive experience are qualified to help choose the ideal cannabinoid raw material to help optimize your product for success. Choosing the type of cannabinoid compound(s) can be confusing, which is why we are available to discuss your goals and specific requirements to explore options unique to your needs and success. 

Red Mesa sells to product formulators, co-packers, distributors and other B2B customers. Wholesale CBN Crystal Resistant Distillate can be purchased directly from our website or quoted at bulk CBN Crystal Resistant Distillate wholesale pricing for larger quantities. 

If you have any additional questions or require further assistance, please contact our sales support team. We’re here to help you make informed decisions to provide your customers with the highest quality CBN raw ingredients and help to protect your brand reputation.

Red Mesa Science & Refining has received and has maintained a comprehensive end-to-end ISO 9001:2015 certification. (read more)

Red Mesa Science & Refining is registered as a food facility with the FDA and subject to random inspections. (read more)

Yes, as a hemp processor in the state of Utah, we are required to adhere to cGMP requirements for dietary supplements and human food. (read more)

Why Choose Red Mesa Science & Refining for Your Bulk Cannabinoid Raw Ingredients?

Prioritizing Quality Assurance – Quality is Central to Manufacturing CBN Crystal Resistant Distillate – High Minors

Quality Assurance is at the heart of our production process. We prioritize quality by operating under stringent guidelines to ensure our customers receive products that abide by regulations and meet or exceed industry standards.

Quality and  Regulatory Compliance at the Forefront

  • Strict Quality Management System – Under the guidance of ISO 9001:2015 certification and cGMP, our production processes are focused intently on optimal quality and safety.
  • Higher Standards – Red Mesa is uniquely held accountable to adhere to both 21 CFR Part 111 (dietary supplements) and 21 CFR Part 117 (food and beverage) standards, furthering our commitment to ensuring our CBD Isolate is of the highest quality.
  • Internal Testing Protocols – We thoroughly examine, test and analyze the CBD Isolate material through to completion. Our team of onsite scientists and chemists perform routine analytical tests throughout production to uphold our promise to guarantee the consistent delivery of products to guaranteed specifications. 
  • ISO 17025 Accredited Trustworthy and Reliable COAs – Upon completion of manufacturing, final batch-specific testing is administered by an independent ISO 17025 accredited third-party laboratory. The resulting COAs provide added confidence in verifying cannabinoid potency and compliance regarding pesticides, residual solvents, heavy metals, mycotoxins and any other undesirable impurities.
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